Prayer for Knights through the Intercession of Blessed Fr. McGiveny

1 year ago

Heavenly Father, we come before you today to lift up all the Knights in the Knights of Columbus, asking for your continued blessings and guidance in their lives. We ask that you watch over them, protect them, and give them the strength and courage to continue serving your Church and their communities with honor, integrity, and love.

We also ask for the intercession of Blessed Fr. McGivney, who founded the Knights of Columbus and devoted his life to serving others. May his example inspire all Knights to follow in his footsteps, and may his prayers help to strengthen their faith and deepen their commitment to serving you.

We pray that you bless the work of the Knights of Columbus and their efforts to build a culture of life and promote the common good. May they continue to be a beacon of hope and light in a world that is often dark and troubled, and may their service to others bring glory to your name.

Finally, we ask that you bless each Knight and their families, and grant them peace, prosperity, and joy in this life and in the life to come. We ask all these things through Christ our Lord. Amen.

Blessed Fr. McGivney, pray for us.

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