Opie and Anthony: Bruce Kelly wants to say hi! FART ALERT! 4/21/2005

1 year ago

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"No pit bull for the show." Er, Jim?

Fun with Soundboards!

Opie explains "the deal."

What? Tech issues? Support of Washington=not necessary.

"We'll be successful either way!"

More fun with soundboards.

"Bruce, don't you have a record to play?" Answer=NO!

Dougout Dug of Whackbag fame draws near. Not so nice words towards Bruce.

Anthony in Jersey. "NOT YOU!"

"I couldn't warm up to you if we were cremated together."

Kevin from Brooklyn.

Audio of Bruce Kelly song while they were on vacation.

Jim's response=FART! FART!

Jim wants to hear the "spiel."

Back to the "pit bull."

Opie asks Bruce to "walk away."


Jim trying to "freshen the room up!"

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