Chemtrail Whistleblower from US Air Force - Aluminum, Barium and Strontium delivered to USAF Base

1 year ago

Sergeant Kristen Meghan Edwards, after discovering what really was going on was told not to tell anyone. She had 4 stripes on her arm and 11 metals on her chest.

We desperately need people like this to say fuck the incentives, rewards and accolades for doing the wrong thing or to say nothing and do nothing.

When gov agencies (including hospitals) pay and reward employees for following immoral and unethical protocols and guidelines we have a major problem. It's probably a silent coup d'etat of freedom, liberties, rights and power from the people. Isn't it finally time to do what's right instead of going with the flow and receiving accolades for doing what's wrong?

ALWAYS question protocols, guidelines, regulations and orders from higher ranked superiors.

It’s not okay to follow orders that will harm humanity!

They want to train us to be dummies and blindly comply and follow orders.

No more!

*Please read this short doc -- The Truth about Chemtrails from Anthony William – Medical Medium – CHEMTRAILS - Mind Blow!

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