Abby Grossberg Wants to Debunk Everything Tucker Aired

1 year ago


Abby Grossberg is everywhere. She is suing Tucker Carlson for fostering a hostile work environment with inappropriate comments and activities, as well as antisemitic comments. But that’s not all; she is suing fox Fox News alleging that they attempted to coerce her into giving false testimony and the dominion voting systems lawsuit. But that’s not all. She also claims to have secret Lee recorded various public figures, including Ted Cruz discussing stopping the vote count on January 6.
Ted Cruz wrote a letter asking senators to join with the congressman who are objecting to the vote count so that they could investigate it but that’s not what’s coming out in mainstream media.
Finally, she’s trying to discredit his reporting on FBI informants being part of the proud boys, telling Nicole Wallace on MSNBC that she could not find a defense attorney who had knowledge of a confidential informant.
I overdubbed my voice on her soundbites here which is pretty funny it’s not perfect; but I did it for copyright reasons. She is caught in a lie because the presence of FBI informants both at the capital, and specifically among the proud boys has been widely reported. Further Enrique Tarrio, the “chairman” of the proud boys, has been an informant, a “prolific” informant, according to his own attorney, in a case in Miami, for more than a decade and it gets curiouser with text messages coming out of him, getting advance warning about his arrest before January 6.

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