Frosty Garden Livestream #2 - April 29th, 2023

1 year ago

Our second livestream event this year. We spend a bit of time covering our general operations, the status of our garden and what we've been up to. From there, we launched into the Q&A portion of our livestream. It was information packed, we even went over on time a bit!

Thanks so much for being a part of our community. We hope we throw in a ton of gardening know-how that you can learn from.

Next livestream will be some time in early June, you can find them on our Facebook channel. (@frostygardens)

Also, this week's video suffered a bit of data loss, so we're just going to skip it and move into our next video that we had planned. Sorry about that, freak issue with transferring over data to our NAS.

As always, you can check out a ton of cold-climate gardening content on our website at!

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