Faith Revisited Pt. 9: Four Days Late

1 year ago

At some point in time, each one of us will experience an event that will challenge our faith. An event that will try to sneak in doubt, anger, grief, etc., in order to separate us from Jesus. So, what do we do to stop the enemy from getting a foothold in our lives? Join Reverend Kenny Yates as he shines some light on this in his eye-opening message, Faith Revisited Pt. 9: Four Days Late.

Verses Used:
Romans 8:28
John 11:28-37
John 11:3
Matthew 8:5-10
John 11:21-22
John 11:23b-25
Acts 16:25-26
John 11:32-37
John 11:22
John 11:37-39
John 12:27
John 13:21
Acts 3:4
John 11:45-46

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