08-SP06: Resolution of power

1 year ago

I speak to you as a Teacher of Light and a Wayshower and I am a follower. I am a follower of the way. I follow the way that leads on this great journey. This journey is something that we follow and it is a journey that we lead others upon. It is something that we have known and promised to do. In the coming days, weeks, months, years there is great changes that come forth for this world, and in this position as a Teacher of Light, a Wayshower and a Follower you are here to bring about this change. It is your responsibility to find a way to get grounded, to get clear, to get strong, to get healthy, to be wealthy, wise and joyous, to have fun along the way and to bring your friends into the Family of Light. This is the message that I bring and it is the message that is being brought by you as well. It is a message that needs to be brought forth so that the Family of Light and all of humanity can live in peace and bring this world into the heaven that it is.

Over the course of the past year we have played the GoldRing. The GoldRing was designed so that you could awaken to a higher potential, that you would want to have enlightenment, to know yourself, to understand the elements of things that seemed difficult in some ways, conflicted in others, dangerous, exciting, happy, wonderful, constantly new and different, mysterious, mystical, transforming, educational, entertaining and in this time it was also there to bring you to a healing, to reach into your soul and to find you and to say you are here with purpose and that purpose is to wake up the others that are coming forth very, very quickly and to wake them up in such a way that they can come forth and speak their truth and listen to their inner teachers and awaken to the Christ energy and the energy of the great religions, the energy of spirituality, the energy of humanitarianism, the energy of enlightenment that which seeks to know the answers, the philosophical questions, understanding the nature of life, being in harmony with the ecology and following a path of humanism and in relationships where you are morally and ethically bound to a higher way of being.

Now this is a path that is the one that you have already been on and have been on for your whole life. And at certain times there have been situations that may have been compromising because of the pressures and the demands that have happened. And in those time periods you have looked at things and wondered, how can I go on because I am faced with the difficulties that are being brought to me and I have to have this or that, or be in this or that way, or I need to follow these rules, or be careful of those rules and in all these cases you have become less involved in understanding who you are.

It is natural for those to seek the mystical, the transcendent the advanced, the new, that which excites you and enthuses you into the spirit of being a new person, that which brings you pleasure, that which brings you joy and in the same respect you wish for comfort, safety and the quiet pleasures of knowing that you are protected and that your life has continuity and a certain amount of stability that you can rely upon.

In all these things we are looking for a way to hold our own power, to be our own sovereign self because from the inner side of your being you are sovereign, you are omni-centric, you are within your own center. Everyone in this universe lives within their own center of being. This is the natural state of who you are. When you move outside of that center that is when you become diseased. That is when you become lost from knowledge of your own being and lose your self-confidence where you lose your faith in yourself. In that case, you become disassociated with your own being and therefore can not operate in a natural condition of being part of a greater family. So this message is to you to understand that we are all One together in this transforming time and we have a promise to fulfill to the ones coming forth and it is time that we take our power so that we can open the door for them and be the stewards of the ones who will transform the world into the New Age.

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