27-75: Enlightened Blessings

1 year ago

As the electric light body holds the template pure and clear in a non-physical manner the physical form manifests in compliance to replicate the magnetic light body. There is a shared continuity between the two forces of energetic being. The physical body gathers all definitive strength from the interaction between the magnetic earth substance that grounds the energy and the Diamond Crystal Octahedral Tetrahedron and it's associated eight chakra streams non-physical infinite energy streams as impulses of vibration along future time lines or probabilities. In awareness of the probability of future time lines the body endeavors to provide space for the one that will be birthed in the space of the heart as it represents a feminine energy of Mother Earth receiving and is held safe by the root chakra as the tree grows towards the heavens of Father Sky.

The positive charge is thought of as masculine as it shines a beam of light or time into space. When the beam of light becomes a singularity or single piece of light it is held in a single point in space and there is the divine birth of being. This process is compounded infinitely and creates expansion not subject to time and or space for it is primary to both. When the time and space matrix intermingles with each multidimensional thought form manifestation there is existence and a point at which is known as the NOW. Where thought and feeling become attuned in a vibratory frequency there is manifestation of a vibration along a recognized time line which is experienced as reality.

The next stage of this development of manifestation is to hold the perspective or reality consistent as the stream of light operating along a time line or expansive construct and an open space operating within a grid template, combine to bring about a continuum; a space time continuum which refers to the ability to have resonant and reflective perspectives from many angles and viewpoints. This induces scalar integration between perspective points and wave vibration harmonics. The fractal is a holographic representation of this beam of light going through the spatial interference medium and is replicated by the rotating crystal diamond lens that charts the individual template designs and subsequent angles of refraction.

Through appearance within sacred geometric topological layers the pulse of the stream of light hits non-localized infinite numbers of diamond grid points of spirit and creates incidences of life or incarnations. There are layers upon layers of humanity that exist within vibratory fields that allows beings to live in a shared physical realm and separate emotional and mental realms. They can experience existence unknown to polarized beings as the portal or gap between the pairs of opposites is crossed within.

Earth holds a steady rhythm in union with the ascension requirements of harmonic vibration expressed through sacred geometric manifestations. This is a frequency that humanity is to attain within the solar system and galaxy but first must ground to earth energy as the positive spirit format cannot enter into this environmental expression of existence until entrainment is achieved. The telepathic interface is unified and accelerated when the diamond template grid has spirits who have all entered along the positive time streams at different points and hold their own vibration on this multidimensional crossing point so their refractions or co-creations of the universal holographic expanse holds different nuances and patterns, colors, tones, frequencies and rhythms.

Within becoming a co-creative agent operating in infinite expansion and variety to existing base frequencies the process and journey called enlightenment is attained. When in oneness there is a stable array of continuity which is the substructure of the space-time continuum, perspective or reality in harmony then there is the flow of creation that is balanced and perfect. The Christ energy is representative of the teaching mode that brings this forth into alignment by using the energy called Love, which is the source of stream of light.

From the perspective of the Teachers of Light you have already completed your alignment and the enlightenment. It is successful and there is no other probable conclusion to this action. From the point of view of the earth there is great patience and understanding of the energy of electro-magnetism, light and dark and the polarities of existence. The function of life on the earth is to raise vibration to a point where there is a complete polarization between the positive and negative and then within that completion is the movement across the gap. At this connection or nexus is a point of birth,death, regeneration and resurrection is achieved. It is an all encompassing mystical revelation that life is realized in the Now point and becomes the full expansive plenum and the empty void of nothingness in a universal attainment of metamorphic transition. The whole cosmos participates in the wonder of the birth of life.

From the smallest element of being to the largest of universes the movement in this realm from death to birth and from birth to death is the approach of the divine. There will be death and life in conjunction as the transition between space and time that follows the course of the infinite absolute oneness of being to become again a new layer of existence that follows the course of attraction into the expansion of greater being. In the game there is a clear knowledge of alignment and enlightenment that the open space waits for the surge of positive light to bring forth the surge of power from the void. So from both sides there is the ultimate love of being to manifest coming on the central pillar of light, the spiral pole of matter and energy.

The untold story is told to the awakened where in the zero point; the space between becomes the space within the light that is the golden source of being and the path of future life expansion. The mystical outpouring of the messengers to all the Wayshowers comes to present the time lines for awakening to the purpose of being. The holding of the light in the magnetic interplay of thought and feeling and entraining others to hold the same frequency builds a desired path from both sides of the transition. The dark world waits only for the light. The physical light of the world is the guide of the light that comes forth to shine even more brightly. The opening of the vault of secrets is the step of the wayshowers who shine in light and give forth their will in direct alignment with source that has spoken and been perfect in manifestation of the time that is here for it to become what it is.

In comfort and joy you are here to expand the world and hold out your hand in clear gratitude for the life of each and every being in the family of light. You are allowed to forgive and indeed you have the grace to forgive and to rise into joy and hold life sacred forever and always in eternal blessing.

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