Ninth, Tenth, and Eleventh Chakras

1 year ago

Now here are twelve steps to guide your soul train
→Don’t dominate others; or become a slave later
→Have no hidden emotions
→Have a mind for the sacred and for joy
→Learn, do not stare at your ego constructs deployed
→Don’t spend the music of the spheres in lesser lust
→Let others come to you with support and praise; do not worship before your own bust
→Price allegiance to the truth inside of you; over external trappings of life
→Don’t defend against feelings with indulgence
→See silence as a blessing for what is to come
→Pay attention to the spirit and not a thing’s label
→Aggressively question unknowns; don’t be mentally lazy
→Guard your tongue; as your words manifest: but guard the spirit under them more

Now here is a score to this structure at night to enter the dream:
Before falling asleep see a dodecahedron; inside this dodecahedron is the cube room you find yourself in. Except unlike your bedroom it has different jewels that to every edge, corner and plane a jeweled force rules.
This dodecahedron is an indwelling star force that sits on a truncated pyramid; inside the shape is a cube room atop at forty five degrees turned and looming.
You are in this room. Mark out sacred directions. Note in the South Western part a sardius pillar made with great art. Parallel is a pillar of sardonyx in the North Eastern part. Above the top of the North East pillar is fire opal.
In the North West atop the carnelian is diamond quartz.
Parallel in the South East is an emerald pillar. It contains the Aetheric Plane of LOShN. It starts to glow: from it steps two twin females holding high ranks as angels.
These are the XAZSRM. They have dark red, cropped hair. They are here to bring you to the right transition.
What energy must you embrace for your transformation?
They are there to show you how to assume this station. And with these the words that are seeds to your truer role for you to rightly lead through the rest of work in this Moon month to approach and succeed in overcoming and growing into greater heights. Ask these angels for direction before falling asleep for dreams tonight.






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