all lying

1 year ago

Christopher G. Cavoli comandante general del Ejército de los Estados Unidos en Europa y África.

El New York Times en Washington Post y CNN y Fox y Nueva York, quiero decir, el London Times y Telegraph y Londres y el Daily Mail y la BBC y todos los medios occidentales, sin embargo, nos han estado diciendo todos los días, durante un año, que los rusos están perdiendo. Están sangrando. Son tropas que desertan que Ucrania está ganando. El ejército ruso va a colapsar. Hay un motín. Todo está ahí tirado. Sí. Y tú eres eso del, todo está ahí tirado. De la región. Quiero decir, es mentira. Es propaganda. Todo es propaganda. Los rusos están ganando.

First of all, sir, if I could, I'd like to underline your comment about the specificity of the degradation of the Russian forces. Much of the Russian military has not been affected negatively by this conflict. One of those forces is their undersea forces. It's hard to talk in public as you well know, sir, about undersea warfare and our efforts in that regard. But I can say that the Russians are more active than we've seen them in years and their patrols into the Atlantic and throughout the Atlantic are at a high level, most of the time at a higher level than we've seen in years. And this is, as you pointed out, despite all of the efforts that they're undertaking inside Ukraine. How could you catch it? I did. Now, I heard that I had to rewind at several times because he was contradicting the representative Courtney there. What does Courtney assume, well, we've been knocking the Russians back on their hind end. Well, but the New York Times in Washington Post and CNN and Fox and New York, I mean, the London Times and Telegraph and London and the Daily Mail and the BBC and all the Western media, though, they've been telling us every day, for a year, the Russians are losing. They're bleeding. They're troops are deserting that Ukraine is winning. The Russian army is going to collapse. There's mutiny. It's all lying there. Yes. And you're that from the, it's all lying there. Of the region. I mean, it's a lie. It's propaganda. It's all propaganda. The Russians are winning. Yes. And the only reason the Ukrainians are still there is that the Western nations have spent hundreds of billions of dollars collectively to prop up a corrupt government run by Zelensky, who is stealing unknown amounts of money. He and his generals. And if we didn't prop them up, they would, they would be, they would have been wiped out a year ago.

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