Answering Q&A / 2018-05-04

6 years ago

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0:00 start
0:21 What are the best and the worst things living in New York, because I'm considering to live there one day, maybe, thoughts

0:39 You still hitting the Gym?

0:41 Are you still associated with Beardbrand?

0:55 Any good online courses to learn photography/video? Love your videos and pictures

1:12 Do you read paper back books or ebooks?

1:18 Where do you buy your clothes from?

1:33 Best book you have read on minimalism?

1:40 Tattoo artist in NY: Who do you recommend?

1:52 How much time do you spend in the gym?

2:00 What programs/apps do you use to edit photos and videos (smartphone and pc)?

2:20 How much tv do you watch per week?

2:30 What things did you get rid of when became a minimalist?

2:42 Tattoos stories
2:50 How tattooed do you eventually want to be?
What's your next tattoo going to be?
Tattoo stories

3:12 What is it about photography and capturing/creating an image that inspires you? Is it an intrinsic motivation? I find when I look at your imagery I feel as if I see a snippet of how you perceive the world - it’s incredible.

3:36 What's your dream Wristwatch to own?

3:41Most f$ck$d up story about living in NYC?

3:55 If there was one thing you could redo (and start from the beginning) what would it be? Or: what would be your best advice for younger guys.

4:15 How do you deal with gradual hair loss?

4:32 Are you following the Naturally Enhanced program? I've seen you around on some of Alex's stuff lol.

4:50 What do you think about social media nowadays compare to early days when people only share interesting moments with close friends and family. Does it effects to your life? Or do you gain benefits of it?

5:33 What products do you use on your hair?

5:37 Do you believe we need to stick traditional way or old ways like having no social media ect, or we need to keep up the current time so we wont fall behind in order to success?

5:54 did you know after high school you wanted to get in to photography and film and what is your morning and night routine ?

6:16 I noticed a few naval theme tattoos on you. What is the significance of these ?

6:25 Did you Hate College academically?

6:28 What's one place you would love to visit if finances and time weren't an issue?

6:36 Any good shows for Netflix?

6:40 How was it for you being a teenager

6:48 Thoughts on people who think the Earth 🌎 is flat

6:51 Have you always had minimalist tendencies or did you have a complete change of lifestyle one day?

7:00 No question, just being awesome!

7:03 Tell us more about that vintage lens you got recently. Cheers!😎

7:31 Pro and cons of a macbook pro?

7:45 What kind of music/bands do you listen to? besides Kvelertak?

8:13 Can you describe how a perfect day and evening for you would be like ?

8:31 What was your most important life lesson which taught you something?

8:50 Doy You think that everyone deserves happiness?

9:15 What you think is the worst(behavior) in nowadays society?

9:26 What supernatural power you would like to possess and why?

9:36 How to deal with stress and keep harmony in life?

9:46 What dish you could eat to the rest of your life?

10:05 Which factor pushed you to start YT channel?
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