Tucker Emerges After Firing & MTG Criticizes Stepmothers | The Daily Show

1 year ago

Tucker Emerges After Firing & MTG Criticizes Stepmothers | The Daily Show

Desi Lydic breaks down the biggest news of the day, including Marjorie Taylor Greene criticizing a stepmom for not being a "real mother," and Don Lemon and Tucker Carlson speaking up following their terminations. Then, the Daily Show news team chimes in on the FAA's concerns over the rise in bird strikes. #DailyShow #Comedy #DesiLydic

Englishspeeches, Steven Crowder, The Dan Bongino Show,X22 Report, DC Enquirer, Donald Trump Jr., Glenn Greenwald, Kim Iversen, JiDion, Russell Brand, Kimberly Guilfoyle, BonginoReport, RepMattGaetz, The Charlie Kirk Show, Akademiks, Redacted News, The Gateway Pundit, Elijah Streams, TheSaltyCracker, Meme TV Live!, RealAmericasVoice, vivafrei, Explain America, RealDirty, ThePeoplesVictory, The Rubin Report, Dinesh D'Souza, And We Know, Ben Shapiro, Mr Producer Media, Terrence K Williams, Matt Kohrs, Revenge of the Cis, John Burk, American Center for Law and Justice, The Post Millennial Live, Stew Peters Network, Destiny, Devin Nunes, Rebel News
# Englishspeeches #StevenCrowder #TheDanBonginoShow #X22Report #DCEnquirer #DonaldTrumpJr. #Glenn Greenwald #KimIversen #JiDion #RussellBrand #KimberlyGuilfoyle #BonginoReport #RepMattGaetz #TheCharlieKirkShow #Akademiks #RedactedNews #TheGatewayPundit #ElijahStreams #TheSaltyCracker #MemeTVLive! #RealAmericasVoice #vivafrei #ExplainAmerica #RealDirty #ThePeoplesVictory #TheRubinReport #DineshD'Souza #AndWeKnow #BenShapiro #MrProducerMedia #TerrenceKWilliams #MattKohrs #RevengeoftheCis #JohnBurk #AmericanCenterforLawandJustice #ThePostMillennialLive #StewPetersNetwork #Destiny #DevinNunes #RebelNews

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