China's Nuclear Expansion and its Implications on Global Nuclear Order #china #chinamilitary #nuke

1 year ago

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Introduction - 0:00
Chapter 2 - 0:32
Chapter 3 - 3:20
Chapter 4 - 3:48
Chapter 5 - 4:15
Chapter 6 - 4:53
Chapter 7 - 5:31

China's nuclear ambitions have been growing at an alarming rate, and its recent push to expand its nuclear arsenal has raised concerns among American strategists. The country is preparing to start a new reactor on the Chinese coast, just 135 miles from Taiwan. The Pentagon sees this reactor, known as a fast breeder, as a potential source of fuel for a vast expansion of China's nuclear arsenal, which could make it an atomic peer of the United States and Russia.

China's Nuclear Ambitions.
China's nuclear ambitions are becoming a major concern for the United States and its allies around the world. As Beijing continues to develop its nuclear capabilities, it is poised to become an atomic peer of the United States and Russia, potentially making it a more significant player in global nuclear politics. The Chinese government insists that its breeder reactors on the coast will be used solely for civilian purposes. However, many American strategists remain skeptical about China's intentions. Senior Pentagon officials have warned that breeder reactors are often used to produce plutonium, which is a key component of nuclear weapons. The nuclear material for China's new reactor is being supplied by Russia's Rosatom nuclear giant, which has delivered 25 tons of highly enriched uranium in the past few months to help get production started. This deal represents a significant cooperation between Russia and China, which could have a profound impact on the balance of power in the nuclear world. The two countries have signed an agreement to extend their cooperation for years to come. This has prompted a broad rethinking of American nuclear strategy, which was designed for a world that was moving towards eliminating all nuclear weapons. Instead, the United States now faces the prospect of a three-way nuclear rivalry, which upends much of the deterrence strategy that has successfully avoided nuclear war. The Pentagon estimates that China's nuclear arsenal could grow to 1,000 warheads by the end of the decade and 1,500 by around 2035, if the current pace is maintained. This development has raised questions about how to manage a three-way nuclear rivalry, which is far more complex than the bipolar system of the Cold War. China has been expanding its nuclear capabilities at a time when Russia is deploying new types of arms and threatening to use battlefield nuclear weapons against Ukraine. The combination of these factors has created a new and much more complex era in global nuclear politics. The State Department recently convened an expert panel to come up with recommendations on how to address this issue. The panel has been given 180 days to make its recommendations, as the United States enters one of the most complex and challenging periods for the global nuclear order. Despite these concerns, there are reasons to be cautious about worst-case analyses of China's nuclear capabilities. China and Russia have a long history of mutual distrust, and there is no evidence that they are working together on the weapons themselves, or a coordinated nuclear strategy to confront their common adversary. Nonetheless, many experts remain concerned that the growth of China's nuclear capabilities will pose a significant threat to global stability and security. China's nuclear expansion represents a significant challenge to the United States and its allies. As China continues to develop its nuclear capabilities, the United States must develop a new approach to managing the three-way nuclear rivalry, which is far more complex than anything seen during the Cold War. The future of global nuclear politics will depend on how the United States and its allies respond to this new challenge.

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