The Fatal Attraction Of Illusory Heroes - David Icke Dot-Connector Videocast

1 year ago

I don't really like Maria Zee as she's a stupid, fucking, christian. But it's David Ickes show. And he usually talks about gnostic stuff that doesn't align with the bible. Like David Martin people think he's a christian or catholic but he literally made a video exposing the Vatican and Pope supporting the Covid jab and mocking how the symbol the Vatican was using in their conference with a gene therapy company, was the Gene-Therapy symbol in a rainbow. And David Martin went on to further debunk the catholic idea of morality. "So the organisation that holds the very keys to the kingdom of Heaven, the organization that told us they were against homosexuality and gene therapy, it turns out they were lying the entire time. That de-legitimizes any of their supposed notions on what is moral, what is righteous" blah blah blah. All David Martin has said about god, is he's talked about returning to Source. Which I don't agree with either but David Icke sort of does. I don't agree with that I don't think that's the truth, but at least both of these Davids are not stupid, fucking, christians.

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