Fat Earther - Remote Controlled Virtual Machine Pt. 1 Pt.1

1 year ago

Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/fat-earther/id1677869091?i=1000610345845
This week the guys talk about...
Way too much research
People burned alive in Rome
Sneaky crusader deal
William Eggspear
Shilock Lebeouf
Yellin throat
Britain reading the declaration of independence
Steeping the tea party
Chris is in the Cymatic World
Crypto-Jack Reacher
Secret recruitment
Playbook 2
Bank rolling an entire revolution
Big Nathan does London
Nate and Jake Redsign
Money printer on the back of a horse/buying breading rights
Tzar Alexander === cool name
Andrew Jackson’s a pimp
Commissioning Ideology
Abe Lincoln talking to the bankers
Russia’s might be solid?
Pike’s 3 Blue Prints
WW3…we’re there mannn
Liquidate wealth
NAACP board room

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