2 Story LEGO FORT Nerf Battle - Parents vs Kids

1 year ago

2 Story LEGO FORT Nerf Battle - Parents vs Kids

Its bed time and Mom and Dad are putting the boys down HARD. Tommy and Nate build a 2 story lego fort with 400 lbs of lego blocks but will it be enough to hold back our heros?

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Nerf gun links list
Nerf N-Strike Elite Disruptor https://amzn.to/2JWTwjn
Nerf N-Strike Mega BigShock Blaster https://amzn.to/2WPxOCQ
Nerf N-Strike Elite Jolt Blaster https://amzn.to/2WVniu8
NERF Elite Titan CS-50 Blaster https://amzn.to/34DrGQO
Nerf Terrascout Drone https://amzn.to/2CgcfSE
Nerf Dart 1200 pack https://amzn.to/2WNYWSL
Nerf Roughcut Shotgun https://amzn.to/33mD0AX
Nerf N-Strike Elite Delta Trooper https://amzn.to/2JUUlsS
Nerf Zombie double strike pistol https://amzn.to/2WPDddk
Nerf Zombie ripchain combat blaster https://amzn.to/2PSzFWn
Adventure force bolt action rifle https://amzn.to/2WPzaxq
Dartzone combat gatling gun https://amzn.to/33qj1kA
Airwarrior predator dart rifle https://amzn.to/33qj8N2
Nerf Modulus ECS-10 rifle https://amzn.to/36GYWsf
Nerf Elite Triad EX-3 Pistol https://amzn.to/2NJvg5j
200 piece Jumbo Block Set https://amzn.to/32nCHV3

BUY OUTDOOR BOYS T-SHIRTS http://shop.spreadshirt.com/catsandcarp/

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