Interdimensional Dating Service (A Sci-fi Thought Experiment.)

1 year ago

The way I see it, my parallel selves are just off brand versions of me…(although they would probably think I’m an off-brand version of them the way this ego is set up.😅)

Another throwback vid (new vids coming promise! Check out the podcast in the meantime.) The point of this is to get you thinking about your #ParallelSelves and what it means to be you. If we do exist in a #multiverse and there are parallel versions of you: #avatars with the same genetic code-that doesn’t mean they are actually YOU! Because, the driver of your body/human machine, your #consciousness is different from the consciousness controlling the bodies of your parallel selves.

Kind of twins: genetically identical and similar in a lot of ways, but still fundamentally different. Think #RickAndMorty #Roy A Life Well Lived: each player would play Roy in prettt similar ways…that is until Rick came and took Roy off the grid🤣🤣
So, are you taking your avatar “off grid?” Or experiencing the same #storymode other versions of “you” are experiencing?
#simulationtheory #multiverse #technophilosophy #manyworlds #2amthoughts #quantumphysics #parallelworlds #conscious #freethinker #philosophy

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