Last Video You'll See💕 God's Message To Me Today 💕 God's Message Today 🙏

1 year ago

Last Video You'll See💕 God's Message To Me Today 💕 God's Message Today 🙏
#prayer #powerful #psalms

Here's an inspiring video! from the channel Momento em Cristo, Today we are going to talk about success.

The event is something that many people look for in their lives, but few of us really know what it means. For some, success is measured by money or fame, but that's not true, success is much more than what it is. It is linked to the way we live our lives and how we strive to achieve our goals.

According to divine wisdom, success is achieved through action. We must keep moving towards our goals, even when we encounter obstacles in the way. The key to success is persistence, as we know that the path will not always be easy, but it is worth persevering.

Courage is often needed to achieve success. We must be brave enough to go our own way, even if it looks different than what most people are going. When we are brave, we are able to discover new places and accomplish things we never thought possible.

To have courage you have to work with love. We should do things because we love them and not just because we seek a financial reward. When we work with love, we find the freedom to be ourselves and to do the things that really matter.

God promises us blessings, but He also tells us that we need to work hard to achieve them. The difference between successful people and the rest is that successful people have the willpower needed to do what it takes to achieve their goals. They know what they want and are willing to work hard to get it.

"Do not stop speaking the words of this Book of the Law and meditating on them day and night, so that you may faithfully fulfill all that is written to you. Only in this way will you prosper your ways and be successful." (Joshua 1 - 8)

So what is he or her dream? What voice do you want to reach in life? Be aware that with willpower and action you can achieve success. Be brave, work with love and persist. When you do that, you can get whatever you want. May God bless your path towards success!
Write us "amen" our comments and be blessed today. Must-attend and tied to the next!

Channel post frequencies, Tuesday and Thursday always at 19:03 pm.

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