WEAK MEN | The Real Toxic Masculinity (4K) #TheFlash #EzraMiller #JohnathanMajors #Kpop #Twitch

1 year ago

🌏No. 1 Podcast for Dudes & Babes
🎙Hosts: Kelvin Taylor (Actor) and Benda John (Model)
💁‍♀️DM to apply as a guest
😂Western Pronouns= Dude😎⬇️

Weak men.. ah yes, the real danger to society.👌🏾

We live in world where:
- men who are biologically physically are told (by women) to be emotional.
- women who are biologically emotional are being told (by women) to be physical & competitive.

Both rooted in the ideas of “social inclusion”, which ladies care for. This is while simultaneously, European ladies (at the lower tier of society) thinking they are fighting some type of patriarchy, when they are playing into the worlds stakeholders plans to keep society more malleable and divided.🙄😂🤦🏾‍♂️. There is a reason the Queen of England never marched for Feminism and strive to keep her family together. Social Issues to them, are for “poor people”.😬

Men+Emotions= Jail😂 ..there are allot of men who are in the cemetery or in prison behind “emotions”. This is more detrimental if you were raised by your mom in a single-parent home and you picked up on her emotional traits. Feeling emotions is a apart of masculinity, however knowing how to regulate them is the intellegence aspect so you can lead. Nothing is worse than a big man crying & punching a wall simultaneously. Or being told and attempted to be emasculated that your natural instinct to be physical as a form of toxicity. Heroic Masculinity vs Toxic Masculinity.

Find out today how we’ve gotten to this point.

- The sexual revolution funded by Alfred Kinsey.
- Feminism was funded by Nicolas Rockefeller.
- Emasculation of men is being “socially engineered” using (Comic Book films, gender & race swapping) to keep society fighting. The worlds stakeholders want to keep men (of fighting age) under control from contesting their policies being manufactured under the guise of “safety”. Those who lack purpose seek temporary pleasure of self😎

Let’s keep healing our planet, 1 video at a time 😎❤️👌🏾🌟

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