Templar - Mary Magdalene Mystery - Deciphered Scripts and Lost Book Referenced in the Bible

1 year ago

Templar - Mary Magdalene Mystery - Deciphered Scripts and Lost Book Referenced in the Bible
Author and Host of America Unearthed
Scott Wolter gives a Presentation on the Biggest Mystery and Greatest Investigation of his Life Work.
What Scott Wolter has revealed turns Christian beliefs upside down. Controversial does not begin to describe what this represents.
Scott Wolter admits he is a Freemason and Modern Day Templar. His Integrity is of great question. I have always felt he was an honest person, (From Watching Him on TV)
The only way to establish his claims as fact, or historically accurate is to make these materials available for scholars to research...
The Lost Book of the 'Wars of the Lord' is FOUND!... Complete Story EVER Told!
Premiered 11 hours ago
Scott Wolter starts out really slow and remains illusive, but he will lead you on an Amazing Journey through time.
One of the non-canonical books referenced in the Bible which has now been completely lost; has been found. At least two parts of the book have come forward within a collection of secret documents held by the medieval Knights Templar and their ideological descendants.
The unpublished material we will share and discuss for the first time since its discovery, will delve into explosively controversial topics organizations like the Roman Catholic Church would literally kill to keep hidden. Topics like the ancient belief in a dual-gendered nature of God and what can only be interpreted as people from another realm interacting with humans.
These documents make it clear the “Lord” had a feminine consort on an equal plane and She was called “Wisdom.” They also contain passages about events that involve beings that are not of this earth, their concern for the sacred book and secrets it contains.
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