Normal Breathing; How Breathing Less Can Change Your Life ft. Dr. Artour Rakhimov

1 year ago

Welcome to the 7th Episode of the Back to Human podcast.

On today's show we have special guest Dr. Artour Rakhimov. Dr. Artour Rakhimov is the world's leading inventor of breathing retraining methods and the developer of the Buteyko technique as well as author of Normal Breathing: The Key to Vital Health.

Some of the topics we discuss in this episode include:

•How your health issues may be related to overbreathing (breathing too much)
•Activities that can help increase your CP (controlled pause); how long you can hold your breath after exhalation without stress
•Breathing retraining as a treatment for asthma
•Mouth-taping at night to ensure nasal breathing for better quality sleep
•The benefits of nasal breathing
•Could breathing retraining have been a viable alternative for the treatment of K()\/1d?
•Can breathing less lead to less of a requirement for sleep?

You can find more of Dr. Artour's work at:

Listed below are some additional resources if you would like to do some research of your own:

•Normal Breathing by Dr. Artour Rakhimov



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