Mesa Pattern of Fraud in Shasta County-Part 4

1 year ago

Supervisor Jones rightfully wins his seat despite cheating against him in the General election of 2020 (presenter mistakenly says 2022 at one point).

Review of County Clerk, District Attorney, County Sheriff, and Superintendent of Schools elections all displaying the Mesa Pattern of Fraud in favor of the seated officials in the 2022 Shasta Primary.

See "Fingerprints of Fraud Vol. 1" Report at for more information regarding the Mesa Pattern which is currently being witnessed all across the country.

"These findings included an observation of unnatural voting patterns in the county’s Cast Vote Record that coincided with my originally discovered internal database manipulation. That spurred me to examine other counties. From that time, I have encountered hundreds of counties spanning the nation, utilizing all major computerized election software vendors, that display shockingly similar and unnatural patterns to what was observed and documented in Mesa County."

"Based upon these and other findings, which will be detailed in this report, it is my expert opinion that the United States of America was the victim of a coordinated multi-state conspiracy to defraud the 2020 General Election." " -Jeffery O'Donnell Fingerprint of Fraud Vol. 1

See more about your board of supervisors and local election vote fraud analysis at:

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