Neon Exegesis: Evangelion - Ep 24

1 year ago

The final non-existential-soliloquy episode. Asuka is still useless, reeling over her recent losses and complete destruction of her purpose in life, compounded by memories of her mother's suicide (oops spoiler). Meanwhile Shinji makes friends with a super gay dude named Kaoru, who is the newest Eva pilot, who magically has ridiculous sync powers with the Evas. Say, what IS a sync ratio, and why do you need one to pilot an Eva anyway? God is love, God is not (exactly) sex, though His relationship with us *is* intimate, and Shinji has some brushes with these facts, as the series' nuts and bolts plot wraps up, in preparation for a long-ass, rich lecture in existentialism. If you were looking to find out what an AT field really is, here you go! If you wanted to know who Seele was, what they want, why and how Gendou knows everything, why the world might end, wtf is in central dogma, why Rei and Yui Ikari...yeah you won't get those answers, take a hike. Just enjoy the silence. The two straight minutes of silence, staring into Kaoru's gay, gay eyes.

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