You Choose at Conception

1 year ago

This Title is form the talk that you do choose your sex your time of birth and parent .
I propose the example of a misogynist male from several al lifetime and syour guide suggest you fix this karmic debt by incarnating as a female. up until you are 7, 8,or 9 years of age when the hormones kick in That is we then the body dysmorphia comes. But is not where the Karma you came to level is met. You came here to gain experience to go row the Soul.

We pulled some cards on the issue too. They were the Five of Coins in the past , This is something only the rich Manusen by proxy parents can afford. next was the two of coins a decision to get help for these parents. the seven of cups tells us to walk away from forcing children to do the. future row we have the King of swords This should only be done by sovereign people the eight of wands , we end with the Judgement card a wake up call to stop the grooming .

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