TARGETED ATTACK ON THE GRID! - Time Is Running Out! - Crops Near COMPLETE Failure Worldwide!

1 year ago

Josh Sigurdson reports on the targeted attack on the global energy grid as Germany shuts down nuclear plants in the middle of a crisis and crops reach near failure, just one crop failure away from total implosion of the supply chain. One of the most efficient ways to force the world into servitude to a new carbon credit system based in a cashless society is to take away all of the things people need until they desperately ask the same state that caused the problem for help. This is the basis of what the Great Reset is all about. Order out of chaos. Destroy the economy, supply chain, energy grid and housing market while weakening and demoralizing society until everything comes crashing down, forcing people into the new more tyrannical system of governance. Will people prepare themselves accordingly? Or will most succumb to the tower of Babel being built right before our eyes?

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