1 year ago

Andromedan souls are the true freedom seekers, quiet warriors, and perhaps even worriers amongst us…
They’re highly intelligent, loving, and benevolent starseeds who emit an extremely high vibrational frequency…
Out of all the starseed types, Andromedans take the most time to adjust to Earth…
As they naturally exist in forms up to the 12th dimension, Andromedans find it very difficult to match Earth’s heavy and dense frequency (the polar opposite to Lyran starseeds).
This change in frequency affects the ease with which Andromedans can incarnate on Earth. This is why they’re so RARE!
There are said to only be around 800,000 andromedan starseeds on Earth at this time, which is tiny in comparison to the millions of Pleiadian starseeds who call Earth their home right now!
This frequency battle means they only retain a small percentage of their true energy which can be startling for some Andromedans. It’s why many of them feel lost, confused, and unsure which path to take in life.
Andromedian starseed soul characteristics
They fear making the wrong decision and feel like they are missing a trick somehow.
During their waking lives, they might feel a tug of war about what ‘they’re supposed to do’ versus what ‘their soul is calling them to do’ This, they find difficult.
Yet, what many andromedan starseeds don’t know is that they have the intelligence and wisdom of the universe living inside of them, ready and waiting for them to access at any time.
They are true beacons of light who are incredibly heart-centered and can master anything they put their mind to.
A rare soul gift they have is their innate ability to access the akashic records whenever they want.
A gift many would envy, entering the akashic records normally takes months, if not years of soul and mind training. Entering the akashic records after incarnation can help turn an Andromedan starseed’s confusion into clarity.
Similar to Pleiadian starseeds, they are natural-born healers infused with ancient knowledge and wisdom in the traditional healing arts such as reiki, herbalism, or star bathing.

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