Abortion Bans Fail In Nebraska And South Carolina

1 year ago

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In a rare show of bipartisanship, Republican women lawmakers in Nebraska and South Carolina helped to stop the passage of strict abortion bans in their respective states.

In Nebraska, a bill that would have banned abortion after six weeks of pregnancy was defeated by a single vote after several Republican women lawmakers broke with their party and voted against it. The bill's sponsor, Sen. Steve Lathrop, said that he was "disappointed" in the outcome, but he praised the Republican women who voted against the bill, saying that they "did the right thing."

In South Carolina, a bill that would have banned all abortions except in cases of rape, incest, or to save the life of the mother was also defeated after several Republican women lawmakers voted against it. The bill's sponsor, Sen. Richard Cash, said that he was "surprised" by the outcome, but he said that he respected the decision of the Republican women who voted against the bill.

The defeat of these abortion bans is a victory for reproductive rights advocates, and it is a sign that even in the Republican Party, there is a growing movement of women who are speaking out against the party's anti-abortion agenda.

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