The 🚩RED FLAGS 🚩 of RFK Jr. | @GetIndieNews @bigmadcrab

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A breakdown/re-analysis of RFK Jr.’s announcement speech, some of the things he said felt troubling.

11:22 “I do not believe everybody in the CIA is a bad person” Daughter-in-law Amaryllis Fox is a former CIA officer who is helping run the RFK campaign. She worked in several foreign countries as a spy, and just happens to meet and marry a Kennedy at Burning Man

16:44 Suggests most of the people in the CIA are good people, calls them “patriots”

18:45 Tries to “both sides” the Ukraine war, suggests there is not a nazi problem in Ukraine

20:39 “It is not in our national interest to push Russia closer to China” seemingly demonizing US geopolitical enemies. either way really cringe.

26:45 “We are in the Ukraine for all the right reasons” 🚩🚩🚩

28:10: “we are there [Ukraine] because of our compassion”. Says Ukraine is defending itself from an “illegal invasion”

28:35 His own son Connor (an American) served in the Ukraine as part of the Foreign Legion in the Karkiv Offensive (Special Forces, too)

29:35 playing dumb on foreign policy, tries to distinguish between regular wars and “humanitarian” wars. Talks briefly about US involvement in 2014 but does not say Russia was provoked at any point. He later at 32:11 says the US mission in Ukraine is antithetical to a “humanitarian mission”. All wars are bad, full stop. We are not the world police. There is no such thing as a “humanitarian” mission.

35:19 In order to even get DNC funding you have to sign a contract that forces you to endorse the primary candidate if you lose. At the end of the day, he will just end up endorsing Joe Biden

A clip from Alternative Angle, streaming on INN Mondays at 9pm
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