NIGHT SHADOWS 04282023 -- DEEP APATHY AND Apostasy Allows the Propaganda to WORK

1 year ago

So they get rid of Tucker Carlson, a demonstration of how deep the elite censorship actually goes, as one by one they assassinate free speech while the general population appears to be in such deep apathy they don't care, not realizing what is being done to them. Everyone says the truth will prevail, but that is only a wish when evil is running the show for evil never rests and is always on the move to destroy. Evil is a wolf, but does not look like a wolf, nor acts like a wolf, and does not sound like a wolf. It comes in gently, whispering sweet nothings while undermining the foundations of good and love. The wolf comes dressed as politics, religion, medicine and economics, and cries "this is the way". Death is LIFE, and LIFE is DEATH, the great reversal. The unwary are trapped, slain and disposed of as the love of many grows cold. It is a spell caused by satanic lies that murder and maim, we call it propaganda, one of many ways of spiritual witchcraft to infiltrate the mind, change perceptions and manufacture a world of shining gold that is, in reality a world of death and ruin. BE WARNED...

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