Is the Housing Market Safe? Analyzing the Impact of the Fed and Inflation

1 year ago

Are you waiting for the market to crash? Or maybe you think it’s going to correct. There is a lot of different information out there about real estate, so it can be difficult to understand what’s going on. However, I’m here to help. Today, I’ll talk about the Fed, what they’re doing with inflation, and how it affects the market in the past, present, and future. To hear more about this, watch my latest video here.

Learn more:

0:00 — Introduction 
1:00 — What the Fed is doing with rates, and what they’ve done in the past 
1:45 — Why this isn’t having the desired effect on housing 
3:04 — How officials are looking at the market and inflation 
3:41 — Rates are keeping supply low 
4:21 — How to increase the supply, which is necessary to meet the demand
4:51 — A housing crash is not on our horizon 
5:52 — The state of the market now and what my predictions are 
6:10 — Wrapping up 

#realestate #GormanResidential #RaleighNC #Raleighrealestate #housingmarket #marketcrash #inflation #interestrates #housingsupply

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Chris Gorman
Owner/Broker License #-277810
7920 ACC Blvd suite 210
Raleigh, NC 27617

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