Oregon ballot measure 114 & SENATE BILL 348 Permit to Purchase to make a diy muzzleloader 12 gauge

1 year ago

A Gatling gun is fired mechanically very quickly by a crank in the original configuration & is actually not technically a machinegun that are also "legal" if it was manufactured & registered before June 1986.

Many states follow federal law which classes pre 1898 designs & replicas as antique firearms, which are NOT regulated or are less so

the 2022 U.S. Supreme Court requires gun-control suit defendants to show 18th century historical precedence

Ballot Measure 114 requiring gun purchasers to undergo a safety course to obtain a perchase permit
December 7, 2022, judicial rulings blocked the Permit to Purchase implementation
NO! new laws are currently in effect

Senate Bill 348
mentions a gun show of more than 25 firearms for sale
mandates a valid permit-to-purchase & or & demonstrates proof of completion of a firearm safety course by a transferee or purchaser for the purchase or acquisition of firearms

any court challenges to be filed in Marion County Circuit Court to stop judge shopping

ban guns that lack a serial number,
put a permit system in place for purchasing firearms by July 2024
establish a 72-hour waiting period for owners to obtain a firearm
raise the minimum age for purchases from 18 to 21 accept for
a permit holder buying 22 rimfire that can have high capacity tube mag?

(E) A muzzleloader rifle



= other citations archived due to youtube link bot & censor flag threats

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