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The Polycrisis Ramps Up with Kerry Cassidy and Josh Reid | Unrestricted Truths Ep. 335

1 year ago

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  • 0/2000
  • I‘ve been wondering the same thing as Kerry. ~11/19/19 I saw hundreds of Chinese troops arriving at the El Paso, TX airport. At that time I went around asking what was going on and no one knew anything about it and didn’t seem to care. I don’t get it. Also, during the 2022 election, I voted in person and there was a Chinese national who could hardly speak English operating the Dominion machine. WTH?

  • I think everyone has to be very cautious about people like Josh who state the deep state is crumbling. What exactly is crumbling? They are systematically rolling out the NWO right before our eyes. I don't see any panic. What panic are you talking about? These are the wealthiest people on the planet. The people that control the corporations, energy, money, gold, secret underground cities and are in possession of technologies the masses cannot even fathom. So exactly who is bringing down the deep state? The military? Oh please, they were corrupted before anyone else. By what means is all this power being brought down? The Covid vaccine came off far better than they could have imagined. Their HAARP systems, chemtrailing and all the rest go unabated. Not one single arrest of any of the corrupt players at the FBI, DOJ and intel agencies. They have now weaponized our legal system. Where's all this panic and destruction of the deep state.

  • Kerry is right

  • I think it is absolutely disgusting that they would try to put a cadaver uterus into a man. what about all the women that have can't have children? I have a friend that was born actually without a uterus. I'm sure she would like to been able to do something like that. but they're going to use that brand new technology if it becomes one for men? it's a total outrage.

  • We know the CIA is a major player in the deep State, but the BIGGEST player are the doctors who serve the pharmaceutical corporations and the IGNORANCE and FEAR of the people being manipulated by a satanic false science. People believe the LIES of an ANTICHRIST medical system that this system keeps them alive while they become only sicker and sicker. They are mostly all drug addicts and imagine that poison is what is keeping them alive, no different than those on the street. Old people spend thousands each year on deadly drugs that keep them sick and make them sicker, yet they believe their doctor god is helping them. Pharma has poisoned the meds, the foods, the air and the water and the people think the feel better after they take the drugs which are killing them. Poisons are given for the symptoms of being poisoned from drugs, to vaccines to poisoning of our food supply. So long as people spend all of their money and retirement on the DEEP STATE false medical system, they are slaves to being suicided by these doctors. Food is our medicines and the very fact that we have always had cures, yet no doctor is allowed to practice cures should be a clue. Our government is owned by the pharmaceutical cartels and the agencies of the Federal Mafia Agencies will destroy doctors who dare cure people. Wake the heck up. www.thetruthaboutcancer.com www.thetruthaboutvaccines.com Kids are sick, dying and brain damaged by these vaccines...it is not a mystery...the only mystery is how naïve the people are to trust the sorcery of these doctors and to believe the LIES they push. www.medicalkidnap.com www.drday.com www.cancerisafungus.com www.cancerdoctor.com WE have cures, we have cures and foods and herbs are our medicines, not these witches brews concocted by pharmaceuticals. wake up

  • About the Dominion lawsuit where FOX could’ve easily won, could it be a move to FUND Dominion cause they supposedly need money?

  • Kerry is consistent.........and........right again!

  • Kerry has part of the picture, and wants action based on the pieces of the puzzle she knows about. The problem is, I think there is still more that has not been exposed yet. Without all the pieces, and seeing the whole picture, a plan of action to push back could easily backfire.

  • Kerry! ❤️

  • How does he literally say "...it needs to be a slow drip.", then Kerry disagrees with the slow drip philosophy, and he says me too. ???

  • At the end he says “…the majority of the world has awakened to this.” …talking about the deep state and what they are doing. That is complete nonsense. If that were true, things would be changing and massively and you would be having conversations with people every day with your family, friends, with people just off the street. And, the so called "white hats" could freely speak. That is not the reality, at all.

  • If you think America is going to have another presidential election, I want some of what you've been smoking. Rediculous

  • Slowly slowly catch the monkeys. Watch where they keep their nuts. Hope every globalists is rounded up as they are too dangerous to the world for them to be running around. They are able to control every government and vaccinate everyone of us.

  • Blackrock= CCP ??? Blackrock= FOX ???

  • I know what one said about the biscuit and that with the invasion of Mar-A-Lago. I just don't think so. and listen I'm nobody as far as knowing about these things. Common sense says why all of a sudden 2 years after fake inauguration would they suddenly burst on the scene for that? it seems more likely to me that it is something relevant to the here and now.