Sweet surrender 👇🏿 read description

1 year ago

Today, I’m lighting a candle for Oya.

Oya is the Goddess of storms, wind, and lightning

The winds of change are in motion.

Personal storms clear away the old.

Sometimes change moves slowly, and other times swiftly.

What would you like to change?

If you’re not actively changing it, you’re choosing it.

To make a shift, focus on what you want and stop giving energy to what is not working.

The biggest thing holding you back, is you.

If you want people and life to treat you better, you go first.

If you attract betrayals, stress and strife, the common denominator is you.

Beating yourself up is self harm.

Feel your feelings.

Honor your journey.

Tell yourself the truth and practice self-compassion

#oya #africanpowers #orishas #santeria #candomblé #yorubagoddess #oyamotherofchange #africanspirituality #voodoo #hoodoo #africantraditionareligion #ancestors #honortheancestors #gratitude #change #transformation #blackcontentcreator #african

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