“How to Buy Gold” Searches Soar on Google as Banking Crises Worsens

1 year ago

Gold prices have been climbing higher in recent months as economic concerns are on the minds of many people. Stone X analyst Rhona O’Connell told Reuters news agency that stresses in the US banking system are helping gold prices. She told Reuters: "All the current elements of uncertainty are supportive for gold. If they are resolved then a record high for gold is not in sight. But bank stresses do tend to linger and that points to fresh highs.”

Meanwhile, the Wall Street Journal reported that the number of Google searches for the phrase “how to buy gold” has reached the highest recorded level in the 20-year history of Google Trends.

If people search the Internet for how to buy gold, they’ll probably see the website for the Genesis Gold Group. The founder and President of Genesis Gold Group is Mr. Jonathan Rose. He is with us today from his office in southern California. His website is GenesisGoldGroup.com.

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