YYV4C1 Miqra’ey…Invitations Mitsraym Crucibles of Oppression Man’s World…

1 year ago

This is a "Read Along" and "Read Aloud" audio/video book to be read at a brisk pace along with the highlighted words and your reading speed will double. Adjust the speed to your liking at the settings option; 0.5 seems to be a happy medium if you want to only listen to the audio.


0:00 Man’s World…
19:47 Man covets power and power corrupts. It is the sum and substance of all “poligious” (political and religious) doctrines.
23:43 The seven-step plan Yahowah provided for us, the path which leads from human oppression to the Promised Land, is free.
28:25 Yahowah wants us to prioritize understanding and acceptance over timing and performance.
41:48 The path to Passover continues with Moseh being adopted by the pharaoh’s daughter...
48:46 Yahowah will make one final attempt to reconcile His relationship with His people, doing so on Yowm Kipurym in year 6000 Yah – sunset in Yaruwshalaim on October 2nd, 2033.
49:29 Wars begin the same way...
53:17 Six, the number of man, with God, who is one, is sheba’ | seven. He would provide six steps through His Miqra’ey to lead us to the seventh, which is Sukah | Home.
1:00:58 The introduction of Nakryah | Yah’s Nakry at this, the pivotal moment in the life of Yisra’el, at the moment Yahowah decided to rescue His People from the most foreign of lands, may serve as a foreshadowing of what is to come – a Second Exodus.
1:15:46 ...for Yahowah to fulfill His promise to reconcile His relationship with His people, there must be another exodus...
1:26:33 Qara’ is the verb which explains Miqra’, and in the plural, Miqra’ey | Invitations to be Called Out and Meet, being Welcomed by God.
1:30:56 Everything important to God and essential for us is “qodesh – set apart.” If something is ordinary or popular it is not of God.
1:41:06 Yahowah prefers to do things, even the big things, with us and through us, rather than alone.

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