the Dua of Prophet Muhammad before he sleeps

1 year ago

this was the dua of Muhammad SAW if You take my soul away forgive it before he slept, he said this dua

In amsakta nafsi faghfir laha

if You have taken my soul away in my sleep then forgive it

wa in arsaltaha fahfazha bima tahfaz bihi ‘ibadaka-s-salihin.

and if you are going to send my soul back then protect it with the same protection that you protect your righteous slaves by.

What the powerful dua so we should be making this dua before we sleep that oh Allah, I'm going to sleep if You take my soul away forgive it,

Ya Allah I have no option but to have hope in your mercy

look at us here, we are sitting with so much love solely for the sake of Allah, Ya Allah grant us from Your mercy

so my brothers and sisters, never ever become oblivious of the fact that before you sleep quickly make peace with Allah ask forgiveness even if it is one sentence but make that peace with Allah SWT you never know it might be the last time that you are going to close your eyes

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