LuxCore older mb SSE2 Compile?-partly FIX…Rule 1CPU1MB|Part Two: »LUXRAYS_CUSTOM_CONFIG=Spec.C…

1 year ago

Part 2 – Clang compiler checked (pgrep – OK), actualization of system Clang package brought one error-fix, main issue now (as moths ago...) remains CMake rules that are applied to 1 of static libraries: "LinuxCompile-master/target-64-sse2/lib/libboost_python310.a', needed by 'bin/luxcoredemo'.". Other details are on the video.
*Factor of build processes is symlinking & copying of Py #include files from Blender-Python-compatible downgraded (by command downgrade without r letter on its name ending) Python version. Some flexibility here is available by using Arch Linux.
(Rule 1CPU1MB = fully local compilation, no strange Azure, no intranet nor etc.)
#SSE2 #mnemonics #luxcore #compilation #boost #linking #compilation #clang #luxcore #libraries #cmake #aur #archlinux #IT

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