AGENDA 2030 | Agenda 21 | America 2050

1 year ago

Founded in part by the Rockefellers, the United Nations has been acting as a de facto world government since 1945. Starting in the 1950s, the UN began funding scientists to measure for carbon dioxide, and in 1992 they drafted what they describe as the International Legal Instrument for the Conservation of Biological Diversity and outlined their plans. To seize control of land under the guise of climate conservation, known as Agenda 21, because they wanted to accomplish their goals by the 21st century. But by 2015 they were failing and officially pushed their deadline back with Agenda 2030. In 2010, the Rockefeller Foundation published Scenario for the Future of Technology and International Development, wherein they outlined four different ways of achieving their goals, which they wrote Once crossed, these axes create a matrix of four. Very different futures. In 2020, they crossed the axis into the lockstep matrix. In 2022, at their 15th Convention on Biological Diversity, COP 15, the UN increased the amount of land they planned to steal to 30%. By 2030, their 30 by 30 plan will require the displacement of millions. So far, the direct confiscation approach is working.

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