April 28, 2023

1 year ago

Capt Kyle's Truck Talk

This is about asking the question. What do you believe to be true ???

I’ve shown you how we have been lied to and completely manipulated our entire lives.

And to begin to prepare ourselves for the truth to challenge our foundations.

Our core principles and beliefs have been given to us all by liars. This has been confirmed and can also be verified.

So what is real and what is lies. 95% of all we have been told and taught are false truths about everything.

The truth is coming out but you still need to prepare yourself for it.

This is what I’m trying to do is open up the door to the truths so you don’t get shaken to the core. When it comes.

God woke you up so you can prepare yourself for what is to come. And you can stand for those you love when the shaking comes.

Gods got this. And Gods got you. Lean unto him.

I love you


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