1 year ago

A psychic reading and investigation into what caused the mudflood of Tartaria and how it relates to the legend of King Arthur and the KnightsTemplar.

In this 33 part series I will share psychic readings revealing fascinating insight regarding what caused the mudflood of tartaria. Was the mudflood a random natural disaster or was it an act of war? This broadcast lays out some very intriguing answers.

How Psychic Readings Helped Tiffany Escape an Abusive Relationship - My actual experience of how psychic readings can be used to assist victims of domestic violence. #domesticviolence #priestesssekhmet #psychicreadings

If you know someone who is in an abusive relationship, please reach out and offer your support.

Domestic violence is a serious problem, but it is one that can be solved. By working together, we can create a world where everyone is safe from abuse.

Here are some tips for helping someone who is in an abusive relationship:

Be supportive and non-judgmental.
Listen to their story and validate their feelings.
Help them to understand that they are not alone.
Encourage them to seek help from a professional.
Offer to help them make a plan to leave the relationship.
Be patient and understanding. It may take time for them to leave the relationship.

There are many resources available to offer support. If you or someone you know needs someone to talk to or if you are feeling unsafe, please reach out for help. You can call the National Domestic Violence Hotline at 1-800-799-SAFE (7233), or you can visit their website at thehotline.org.

Thank you for watching! Please like and share! Thank you for stopping by!

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