INTERVIEW: Freddie Ponton - Nordstream Bombing: ‘Hersh was Right & Here’s the Proof’

1 year ago

In this episode of the Patrick Henningsen Show on TNT Radio which aired on April 25, 2023, Patrick talks with independent French researcher and journalist Freddie Ponton, about his latest article, Secret Team: The Nord Stream Pipeline Sabotage Revisited, filling in the gaps of Seymour Hersh’s bombshell story regarding the Nordstream 2 pipeline sabotage set-up during last summer's BALTOPS 22, a major joint NATO Forces Naval exercise in the Baltic Sea, before being detonated some three months later on Sept. 26th. Freddie methodically breaks down this special CIA-led covert military operation, revealing the state actors involved who possessed the means, the motive, and opportunity to carry out this act of terrorism on European sub-sea energy infrastructure. In this part of his investigation, Freddie confirms with great detail what Hersh said in his story: CIA-led joint covert operation carried out by the best demolition diving team in the world, involving the US, Norway and UK.

More from Freddie Ponton:

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