Wireless Injury is Real!

1 year ago

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Wireless Injury is Real!
Patricia Powers, MD

Covid’s imbroglio has awakened the masses to corruption in mainstream medicine, but too few have awakened to similar risks with the replacement across our country of wired connectivity with wireless antennas, smart meters, and connections inside new appliances.

A doctor skilled in treatments to detoxify patients from environmental assaults, Dr. Powers’ patients know about pollutants in our water, food, air, and pharma medicines (& vaccines), but increasingly she’s treating for injuries from Electromagnetic Frequency emissions from the wireless mesh being erected by Big Telecom around our homes, businesses, and schools.

In addition to describing this new disability being considered for accommodation by the Environmental Protection Agency and Federal Communications Commission, Patty will advise on strategies to mitigate exposure when it becomes impossible to avoid wireless surroundings.

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