Burn Barrel, Smokeless

1 year ago

It's a barrel, it burns, not a lot of smoke. Everything, and I mean Everything you put in here will burn.

It burns fast and is super hot because it gets all the oxygen it needs, and it's delivered below the material rather than from the side or above it. There will be nothing remaining except very fine powdery ash.

I have a sliding vent door to manually control how much air enters the barrel, thereby allowing me to somewhat regulate the length of the burn and temperature.

The two-barrel system allows airflow injection at the top perimeter to combine with the residual smoke which allows a secondary combustion creating a large flame that can reach several feet above the barrel. This process eliminates all smoke.

Wet and/or green wood and other materials will easily burn in a barrel system such as this. These materials can also give off tremendous amounts of smoke, which this barrel will handle easily.

I've had a burning desire to custom make an efficient burn barrel. The idea was like a flame within. There is no match for this design in my opinion.

Around the 7:00 mark you can see the ventilation jets around the perimeter in action. There is a hint of dark smoke from the burning rubber gloves that isn't combustible (yes... pollution), but other than that you can see it is practically smokeless.

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