Sophia Dagg - Elemental Medicine

1 year ago

Links, links, and more links 😊

YouTube -

Free Community -

Free Elemental Course -

Website -

Sofia is the founder of Elemental Empress Medicine, a plant medicine integration support community. Connecting you with the truth behind healing through elemental medicine.
The elements fire, air, earth, and water are taught as a language by Sofia. By understanding this language you can see the world through symbolic sight. Opening your awareness to see the power you have to create a reality of resonance and abundance.
Receiving information from sacred plant teachers is a phenomenal experience. Like all things in life, it is enhanced by preparation!
The Elemental Medicine School is an online course that gives you all you need to know about integrating the information you receive during your journey. A fantastic way to prepare for your transformation through altered states of consciousness.
Sofia supports her private clients to take inspired action after receiving these wonderful insights from plant medicine.
Grounding their enlightenment into their everyday reality. Having a guide after your experience supports you in aligning your energy with your higher self and taking consistent steps to create your soul-led life.

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