Article Video - The Money Fraud - Wednesday, April 26, 2023 By Anna Von Reitz

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Article Video - The Money Fraud - Wednesday, April 26, 2023 By Anna Von Reitz

Information provided to H.E. Cardinal Mamberti and the Vatican Chancery Court regarding our Claims March 6th 2005, January 19th 2023 in Seq:

The centerpiece fraud of frauds, the Big Kahuna underlying, underwriting, and supporting absolutely all these other mammoth fraud for profit and war profiteering schemes -- is money.

Money started out innocently enough in the form of tokens, coupons, or warehouse certificates issued to merchants who were stuck warehousing and distributing and keeping track of various commodities. It was a convenient tool, nothing more.

In Ancient Babylon, gold coins stamped with the image of a wheat basket allowed the bearer to collect a bushel of wheat from any royal grain storehouse; both the gold and the wheat had actual value in-and-of-themselves and those values were equal at the time all this got started.

It did not stay that way for long.

What happens if a famine sweeps Babylon and a plague of locusts eats the new year's crops, so that the demand for wheat and the perceived value of wheat sky-rockets? Suddenly gold loses its parity with wheat. Due to market conditions, it now takes five gold tokens for the bearer to receive one bushel of wheat.

This simple example demonstrates the fundamental problem with all commodity-based money standards: our notions concerning the value of anything may change in the twinkling of an eye, causing disruption of entire civilizations.

We are facing exactly such a situation now, when the supply and demand related to another basic commodity used as a money standard, petroleum, is being threatened.

So our minds become engaged with how to solve this problem, and it never occurs to us that we are working on the wrong problem.

We cannot control the transitory nature of value; though we can coercively control supplies of commodities and even engage in price controls, these are merely market manipulations.

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