Is the Shroud of Turin a fraud? Refuting the most common objections

1 year ago

A lot of skepticism exists in regard to the authenticity of the Shroud, by unbelievers, atheists, skeptics, and believing Christians alike. This video addresses the main objections frequently brought forward, giving special attention addressing the claim that the Radiocarbon C14 test from 1988 proves that the Shroud of Turin is a forgery from medieval times.

Time stamps:

Introduction - 0:00
Sudarium of Oviedo:- 2:46
The patch hypothesis - 32:09
Reliability of Radiocarbon dating - 47:25
The Carbon monoxide hypothesis - 49:30
Addressing the claim of inconsistent blood patterns on the Shroud ( BPA hypothesis by Luigi Garlaschelli ) - 50:25
Successful reproduction of the image on the Shroud? 53:48
The d'Arcis Memorandum from 1389- 58:25
The relics business: - evidence that the Shroud of Turin is a forgery from the Middle Ages? - 1:04:27
Was Jesus wrapped in a linen cloth, or tied by strips of linen? - 1:08:52
Is the image on the Shroud anatomically incorrect? - 1:12:25
Does the Shroud violate the commandment that forbids making graven images? - 1:15:14
The man on the Shroud has long hair. Does the Bible not forbid men to have long hair? - 1:31:17
The impossible feat for a 14th-century artist to forger the Shroud: - 1:18:54
Why promote, and defend the authenticity of the Shroud? - 1:21:52
Book announcements: - 1:25:07
End notes: - 1:30:00

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You can download the video as a Powerpoint presentation with 185 slides:

More information on the Shroud of Turin:
The Shroud of Turin EXTRAORDINARY evidence of Christ's resurrection

Shroud of Turin Group on Facebook:

Otangelo Grasso on Facebook:

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