A new report into the failings of MHRA and the cv19 injections

1 year ago

Nick Hunt, spokesperson for Persus Group who are responsible for a report detailing the systemic failures of the MHRA in relation to the COVID 'vaccines' speaks on GB News to Bev Turner & Andrew Pearce.

Andrew Pearce asks 'what do you know about vaccines?' (why is it this question is never asked of Bill Gates?!) & he states 'we didn't have to take the vaccine'...

No, but through coercion, fear mongering, fear of punishment or losing one's livliehood, mandates, threat of 'vaccine passports' & lie upon lie from the NHS, Government & Big Pharma with ZERO INFORMED CONSENT is nothing short of criminal.

The MHRA is 86% Big Pharma funded & yet it's repeated on the mainstream 'they're independent, they can't be bought or swayed' etc. Another colossal lie.

A copy of the report has been given to every single MP. 'I didn't know' will be no defence for any MP: these 'vaccines' are unsafe & ineffective.

But that's the whole point: they knew. None of this is an 'accident'.

Read Report:


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