Hrs. 4 & 5 The First Landing 1607 Declaration of Covenant

1 year ago

John Diamond Appeal to Heaven Imprepecatory prayers, Closing Prayer
Imprecatory Psalms, contained within the Book of Psalms of the Hebrew Bible (Hebrew: תנ"ך), are those that imprecate – invoke judgment, calamity, or curses upon one's enemies or those perceived as the enemies of God.
Robert Agee Announcements, Auction
Troy, James J Hintzke (CEO) Plague
Donica Hudson
Historian William Federer History of 1607 First Landing
Michelle Bachmann Significance of First Landing,
Rev. William Cook Provisioning the Church For Battle
Repentance For The Church
Don Blake Repentance Prayer
Vic Zoe Warren Repentance For The Government
Rev. Bob Fox Repentance For The Sins of Jamestown
Joy Lamb Repentance For America's Sins
Ashley Schuell Repentance for the Sin of Child Human Sacrifice To The Devil
called Abortion
Kathryn Camp Repentance For The Sin of Having Frankfurt Germany type Public Schools Building an Army of Obedient Immoral Godless enemies of America. Traitors. Enemies of Christianity of God. Human indoctrinated mind controlled Slaves, Robbing, raping, molesting children: taking their freewill and souls.
Debbie Gates Repentance of Human Trafficking and Abuse of Women, children and Men
Pastor Travis Witt Prayers of Rev. Robert Hunt First Landing 1607
Nancy Schulze It is Up To Us
Joy Gibson Battle Hymn of The Republic
First Landing 1607: A Re-Dedication of America Back to God hour 1 and 2
A Re-dedication of America Back to God
APRIL 26, 2023, VIRGINIA BEACH, VA - Inspired by one pastor’s call to save America by “going back to origin,” patriots, pastors, priests, government leaders and former military will gather to re-dedicate America back to God. America’s first civil covenant, the “1607 Land Dedication Covenant” at First Landing was recorded on April 29, 1607.
First Landing State Park
Prayer at Spring Branch Church
First Landing visionary, Reverend Jack Stagman, “GO BACK TO ORIGIN. GO BACK TO
ORIGIN.” First Landing, Virginia Beach, in Jack’s home state where the gospel first influenced the founding of America in 1607.
“America’s got marital problems!” Pray America Great author Donica Hudson, who penned the “Declaration Of Covenant”.
“As a nation, we have left our first love and prostituted ourselves with foreign gods like ancient Israel did when God issued her a certificate of divorce in Jeremiah 3:8. As the First Landing colonists did, we need to kneel to God in prayer, repent and rededicate this land and ourselves to God. We need to stand for our flag and appeal to heaven to stop the rise of the antichrist one world government threatening our nation’s freedom.”
The First Landing 1607 Project Core National Team includes Reverend Jack Stagman, Don Blake, Craig Hudgins,
Arthur Mace, Pastor of Spring Branch Church heads up the local
Virginia Beach Intercessory Event for First Landing.
Don Blake, founder of the Virginia Christian Alliance
Robert Agee and his wife, Jaime, founders of Banners 4 Freedom
Curtis Grimes Music
Rev. Craig Johnson, Current Culture of our Nation
Fr. James Altman Relevance of the Cross Today

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