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StackUp Charity Stream: $100K B4 May - Building the Hall of Heroes - ARK: Survival Evolved

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Tonight I am streaming ARK and pushing my main charity, StackUp.org, to help them reach $100k Before May.

Why StackUp? Because they are a #veteran run charity who's goal is to put an end to veteran suicide. An issue very near & dear to me. They do this through their StackUp Overwatch Program (StOP).

Not only that, the provide gaming Supply Crates to US & Her allies veterans, guard, reserve, & active military members.

Not only will we raise money but we will build the "Hall of Heroes" to create monuments to all those who have donated to StackUp's Call to Arms. Any dollar amount donated will get you a statue of any dinosaur of your choosing and a plaque with the name of your choosing on it.

Learn About StackUp - Click Here: https://www.stackup.org
To Donate - https://stackup.donordrive.com/participant/airconda
My Socials - https://linktr.ee/aircondatv