Stop Paying Interest to Others! Learn How to Finance Using Life Insurance and Infinite Banking

1 year ago

Financing - In this video I compare paying cash to financing. What's the better solution?

There are only two ways to make a major purchase - you either pay cash or finance. It's commonly believed that paying cash for a major purchases leaves you in a better financial position, but does it really?

We compare compounding interest to amortizing interest when making a major capital purchase. And, when using an alternative account.

In this scenario we assume someone has $30,000 in an account earning 5% interest, and they want to make a capital purchase of $30,000.

But, what if you accelerate payments on the loan? It's still the same result. The liability is satisfied sooner, but the long-term financial position remains the same for both strategies.

Assuming similar borrowing and growth rates, the only difference between the two scenarios is liquidity, use and control of the existing account balance and the outstanding liability.

An alternative is to utilize the Infinite Banking Conceptâ„¢ as outlined in the book, Becoming Your Own Banker. Whole Life Insurance offers financing options and can be used for personal or business loans. With a little creativity, this strategy allows for the recovery of lost interest and fees that would normally be transferred away to a bank or financial institution.

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Infinite Banking is a predictable way to create financial independence and freedom using your own personal capital. By practicing the Infinite Banking Concept™ you can grow your family’s wealth safely and predictably without traditional banks or government plans.

"The whole idea is to recapture the interest that one is paying to banks and finance companies for the major items that we need during a lifetime, such as automobiles, major appliances, education, homes, investment opportunities, business equipment, etc." ~Nelson Nash, bestselling author of Becoming Your Own Banker

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